What’s Your Next Move: Aging On Your Own Terms
Today, my daughter Addie and I launched our podcast, "What’s Your Next Move: Aging On Your Own Terms". We discuss topics like quality of life, bidets, and the LOVE method from my books. Our goal is to bridge generational gaps, focusing on senior living design, multigenerational living, and upcoming technology for seniors. As a mother-daughter duo, we bring unique insights, personal tales, and shared joy. Check us out on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube. Excited to hear your feedback!
Environments that Foster Wellness with Lisa Cini
Our guest for this Living to 100 Club podcast is Lisa Cini, an environmental design expert creating environments in health care and private settings. How do you create environments that foster wellness, engagement, and positivity? Her goals are to incorporate knowledge about longevity, interior design, and technological advances that collectively contribute to keeping our future brighter than our past for the older adult age group. What can be done to our homes that allow us to age in place? And how do we stay connected with our community at the same time?
Lisa is also a respected expert on multigenerational living. How do multi-generational living settings benefit both the young and old? And what can senior living settings do to promote more engagement among its residents? This is an inspiring and entertaining conversation for our listeners.
Re-creating Senior Living With Technology Innovations
We now live in a world where technology has become essential in the management of our lives. Despite the negative effects, technology has brought so many new capabilities and benefits. However, we can see pitifully few of these benefits when it comes to Senior living and Senior care. Whether we are talking about independent living communities, assisted living facilities, traditional nursing homes, or memory care units, the tools and solutions that could be used to further the convenience and capability of older citizens have remained essentially untapped.
The senior living options show little evidence of the technological advances that surround us in our normal environments.
Lee discusses this situation with Lisa Cini who has been working hard for more than 20 years to study how technology improves the lives of our parents and grandparents (and ourselves). Lisa has authored two books on the topic and provides excellent food for thought in this intriguing conversation.
Multigenerational Living Author Lisa Cini
Money Learnings: Lisa grew up in a blue collar family. They lived paycheck to paycheck. Lisa had limited financial learning at school and her parents taught her to work from an early age.
Take away: The rest of the world lives in multi-generational homes and this can help to create wealth and improve lifestyle. How could multi generational living help you to achieve the life you deserve?
Action step: If you are going to live to 100 what do you need to do today to prepare for living that long?
Lisa Cini is an award-winning, internationally recognized senior living designer with more than 25 years’ experience.
Her first book entitled: “The Future is Here: Senior Living Reimagined”, received rave reviews, her second book entitled” Hive The simple Guide to Multigenerational Living, “ which is based on her social experiment of living in a 4-generation household with people in the house ranging in age from 17-92 and the positive impact design can have in a home for seniors with dementia. Her third book “Boom: The Baby Boomes Guide to Leveraging Technology, so that you can Preserve Your Independent Lifestyle & Thrive” is an Amazon #1 Bestseller.
How to DESIGN for Health, Independence, & Successful Aging w. Lisa Cini
How to DESIGN for Health, Independence, & Successful Aging Ever wonder the WHY behind some of the spaces we inhabit? Wonder HOW those spaces can influence our quality of life? Meet Lisa Cini, a Transformational Living Expert.
She's helped create many facilities, building, and spaces with the goal of improving the quality of life of others. She has an amazing perspective that I know you will enjoy! Pertinent Links: http://www.bestlivingtech.com/ (Use the coupon code: "rehab10") http://mosaicdesignstudio.com/about/lisa-m-cini/ https://lisamcini.com/home
Lisa M Cini, Founder of BestLivingTech.com, Hi-Tech Solutions for Seniors
Join Dave Nassaney & his co-host, Adrienne Gruberg, as they interview Lisa Cini.
So think Sharper Image meets AARP. She searches the world for the best products to Embrace Living as we age.
Her design company, Mosaic Design Studio, is the nation’s leading provider of design services for senior living.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVjMhAyUz8I
Multigenerational Living Author Lisa Cini
As part of our Proud Parenting series, our guest today on the Not Old Better Show is Lisa Cini. For many in our Not Old Better audience, your parents are still living, maybe it’s just your mom, as is the case for me, or just your dad, but as they age, with respect to their living arrangements, there’s much to think about, such as: do they go into a care facility, or remain at their home, and another option, do they come live with you? The option to live with you, often referred to today as a multigenerational household is a very real, and excellent solution.
Multigenerational Living: Is it hard? How does it work?
Lisa Cini is an award-winning, internationally-recognized senior living designer with more than 25 years’ experience. She just released her second book entitled “Hive The Simple Guide to Multigenerational Living,” which is based on her own personal situation of living in a 4-generation household with people in the house ranging in age from 17-92, and the positive impact design can have in a home for seniors with dementia.
Lisa is also the Founder of www.BestLivingTech.com, think Sharper Image meets AARP! She searches the world for the best products to Embrace Living as we age. Her design company, Mosaic Design Studio, is the nation’s leading provider of design services for senior living.
According to Lisa, 90% of people do not want to move to Senior Living facilities. A lot of seniors do not want to move into the beautiful Senior Living Facilities Lisa Designs.
Lisa Cini – Designing for More than One Generation
Too often the elderly are shifted off to be someone else’s responsibility when they can no longer live on their own. Nursing homes, assisted living and memory care are popping up all over and frequent the news for abuses and lack of care. Not all are bad yet how do you decide the best course of action when a loved one can no longer be on their own?
My guest on this episode designs multigenerational spaces for families that choose to take care of three or more generations at home. She also designs spaces for facilities that care for the elderly, restaurants, sports teams and more. My favorite part– her four generation family is her test bed.
If you want to learn how to make multi-generational living work for your own loved ones, you will not want to miss this episode. Lisa shares successes, perils, pitfalls and a few things anyone can do to begin making a house work when you have older members in your home.
Housing Designs Options: Pros, Cons & the Future
Alzheimer's Speaks Radio Host Lori La Bey will speak with Lisa Cini who is an award-winning, internationally-recognized senior living designer with more than 25 years’ experience. Join us for an informative conversation on housing options and the impact they have on individuals and families.
Lisa is regarded as the leading Alzheimer’s and long-term care design expert in the nation, and has been recognized for her contributions in the field. Though appreciative of the recognition for her work, Lisa is most gratified by helping people who are struggling with Alzheimer’s, find ways to cope as individuals, as families, and as communities.
She is the founder of www.mosaicdesignstudio.com and www.bestlivingtech.com.
Planet BoomerVille with
Jim Enright
Lisa Cini, an award-winning, senior living designer and founder of Best Living Tech is interviewed by Jim Enright.
Lisa shares how the entire family can benefit from adopting the multi-generational way of living. She points out that while this has been the norm worldwide, families in United States have oscillated between decentralized living and multi-generational living.
Lisa explains the social experiment she conducted in her own home while inviting her parents and grandmother to live with her—life experiences and lessons that have informed her new book, Hive. Tune-in and discover the various ways in which you can successfully take up multi-generational living and why it yields immense benefits to grandparents, parents and children alike.
Boomers Rock Talk Show with Tom Matt
America’s foremost authority on interior design of senior living facilities, Lisa Cini is frankly greatness!
Why should I listen to this show:
- An award-winning, internationally-recognized designer
- More than 20 years experience developing the interiors of long term care centers
- Her company, Mosaic Design Studio, is the nation’s leading provider of design services for senior living
- She is active in a variety of public service and charitable organizations including those dedicated to creating leadership opportunities for women.
Lisa Cini gets it done; her energy is infectious! Lisa has received a multitude of awards and honors for her design skills as well as business and leadership acumen.
Inspect Your Elders with Brett Gebbie
My guest is Lisa M. Cini of Columbus, OH. She is an author, designer, entrepreneur amongst other things.
Her passion is using design and technology to change the way people live for the better, particularly older people.
She is the founder of www.mosaicdesignstudio.com and www.bestlivingtech.com.
Pushing The Envelope In Global Commercial Interior Design
A commitment to life-long learning and human longevity are just a few of Lisa Cini’s hot pursuits. Check out her trusted and tested life solutions for value, security and complete satisfaction.
Move toward a healthier and happier future by adopting Lisa Cini’s cutting edge environmental solutions. Stay in your lane with your unique potential!
Lisa Cini, owner of Mosaic Design Studio, is an award-winning commercial designer who takes the complex and makes it simple. Her mission is to improve the quality of life of her clients by upgrading their work spaces with the newest technologies, world class interior design and superior project management.
Aging GreatFULLy—with Gerontologist, Holley Kelley
Aging GreatFULLy will inspire unbridled life enthusiasm—while broadening your thoughts about growing older. Kelley incites a “Life unstoppable!” outlook and encourages people to live life through their Bucket List!
Lisa Cini is an award-winning, internationally-recognized senior living designer with more than 25 years’ experience.
Her book “Hive The Simple Guide to Multigenerational Living” ,is based on her social experiment of living in a 4-generation household with people in the house ranging in age from 17-92, and the positive impact design can have in a home for seniors with dementia.
12 Minute Convos with
Engel Jones
Lisa frequently speaks on topics ranging from Alzheimer and dementia care to technology at senior living industry conferences as well as general business forums.
Considered a visionary in her field, she is credited with developing repeatable, sustainable and durable designs that save her clients time and money because they can use them at all of their facilities.
Lisa began accumulating her extraordinary insights into senior living design earlier career, when she served as a facilities planner for one of the nation’s largest developers of assisted living centers. .
Experience 50 | "The Podcast That Kicks Your Midlife Into Gear!"
Lisa Cini is an established expert in the specific field of senior living design, having worked on broad projects enhancing how groups of people of all ages live best when living together. Her work with the U.S. military is just one example of enhancing “group living”.
Now, Lisa’s work truly shines when you take those best-practice principles and apply them to senior living facilities.
Things get even more interesting when Lisa decides to bring her research and experiments into her own home, renovating a house to meet the needs of a four generation family including her two teenagers, herself and husband, her parents and her grandmother who suffers from Alzheimer’s.
Caring For Aging Parents
Lisa Cini - America’s foremost authority on interior design of senior living facilities.
Lisa Cini, ASID, IIDA America’s foremost authority on interior design of senior living facilities.
Lisa is an award-winning, internationally-recognized designer with more than 20 years experience developing the interiors of long term care centers.
Her latest book, entitled: The Future is Here: Senior Living Reimagined,” is due out this year, and she is writing a second book on the design of memory care facilities.
Lisa Cini – The Future of Senior Living Tech
The Senior Living Podcast is always in search of smart conversations around the business of Senior Living.
Find our podcast on the iOS Podcast app, Google Play, or by going to http://seniorlivingpodcast.libsyn.com.
Also, feel free to connect with Aaron Benton on Linkedin.
The Aging Boomers Podcast
Lisa Cini is an award-winning, internationally-recognized senior living designer with more than 25 years’ experience.
Lisa is also the Founder of www.BestLivingTech.com, think Sharper Image meets AARP! She searches the world for the best products to Embrace Living as we age.
Her design company, Mosaic Design Studio, is the nation’s leading provider of design services for senior living.